setup to create a two-node cluster using Conga – Luci and Ricci

By | August 11, 2013

RedhatClustersLinuxbrainboxSystems/Servers Required : 3

Two red hat systems are required to install a two node conga cluster &  to create a cluster to have High Availability of a Apache Web Server.

Both servers have luci service (can be installed using yum) running using a shared storage via GFS  having a shared storage accessible(SAN Fibre Channel or iSCSI)  from the two system

Installation Process
create a cluster.repo file in /etc/yum.repos.d

#vi /etc/yum.repos.d/cluster.repo


save and exit

start the autofs service

#service autofs restart

have the  RHEL media on you CD/DVD Reader &  update yum database

#yum update

install packages for cluster

#yum groupinstall -y “Cluster Storage” “Clustering”

install the following packages if you have  iSCSI initiator

#yum install -y iscsi-initiator-utils isns-utils

configure it to start at boot :

#chkconfig iscsi on
#chkconfig iscsid on

#service iscsi start
#service iscsid start

Three systems are used for this setup
The two “cluster-nodes” systems with two network card( one for Production Environment  and another network card  for High availability check).

rhel-cluster-node1  ( Production Environment)  ( HA Check)

rhel-cluster-node2 ( Production Environment)  ( HA Check)


create a cluster with IP  which shares the services from and nodes, and use a GFS filesystem reachable with iSCSI on .

iSCSI target on the SAN should be configured to run the command & check login to the shared LUN :

#iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p

#iscsiadm -m node -L all

#vi /etc/iscsi/send_targets

save and exit

On both cluster nodes add the following lines in /etc/hosts : rhel-cluster-node1.mgmt.local rhel-cluster-node1 rhel-cluster-node2.mgmt.local rhel-cluster-node2

check the iSCSI mapped device is /dev/sdb (otherwise change the following commands), then proceed creating a new Physical Volume, a new Volume Group and a new Logical Volume to use as a shared storage for cluster nodes, by using the following commands :

#pvcreate /dev/sdb

#vgcreate vg1 /dev/sdb

#lvcreate -l 10239 -n lv0 vg1

create a new volume group “vg1″ and a new logical volume “lv0″. The “-l 10239″ parameter is based on the size on my iSCSI shared storage, in this case 40 GB.

create the clustered GFS file system on your device using the command below :

#gfs_mkfs -p lock_dlm -t rhel-cluster:storage1 -j 8 /dev/vg1/lv0

GFS file system is created  with locking protocol “lock_dlm” for a cluster called “rhel-cluster” and with name “storage1″, you can use this GFS for a maximum of 8 hosts and you’ve used the /dev/vg1/lvo device.

To administer Red Hat Clusters with Conga, run luci and ricci as follows :

#service luci start
#service ricci start

startup  ricci and luci on both systems at start up

#chkconfig luci on
#chkconfig ricci on

initialize the luci server using the luci_admin init command on both the servers

#service luci stop
#luci_admin init

” luci_admin init” will create the ‘admin’ user and its password

#service luci restart

#chkconfig rgmanager on

#service rgmanager start
#chkconfig cman on
#service cman start

Edit fstab and add

/dev/vg1/lv0 /data gfs defaults,acl 0 0


#mount -a

configure apache to use one or more virtual host on folder on the same storage.
for example, on both nodes, add to the end of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

#vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

ServerAdmin webmaster@mgmt.local
DocumentRoot /data/websites/default
ServerName rhel-cluster.mgmt.local
ErrorLog logs/rhel-cluster_mgmt_local-error_log
CustomLog logs/rhel-cluster_mgmt_local-access_log common

save and exit

create two directories under /data,

#mkdir /data/websites
#mkdir /data/websites/default

create an index file

#vi /data/websites/default/index.html

Cluster Nodes Conf…..

apache set to start at boot time

#chkconfig httpd on
#service httpd start

check in browser to access luci


1. select the cluster tab.
2. Click Create a New Cluster.
3. At the Cluster Name text box, enter cluster name “rhel-cluster.
Add the node name and password for each cluster node.
4. Click Submit to download, install, cofigure & start cluster software in each node

Add a resource,

choose IP Address and use

Create a service named “cluster”, add the resource “IP Address” you had created before,
check “Automatically start this service”
check “Run exclusive”
choose “Recovery policy” as “Relocate”

Save the service.

enable it, and start it on one cluster node.

check cluster configuration file

#cat /etc/cluster/cluster.conf

check  shared IP Address

#/sbin/ip addr list

Check the Cluster

shutdown/unplug one host  from network & you should be able to see the website still on is reachable.


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